Tim van Hamersveld

Tim van Hamersveld


Angler Profile – Expert Fisherman on a Mission to Conquer the Waters


Username: TIM


Hi i’m Tim van Hamersveld and i can just say i’m a very active carp fisher who is passioned by the outdoor life, the surprise of the catch and clearing your mind in nature. The first catch of a carp was on my twelved age and directly addicted. Fishing canals, local waters and small lakes is where you can find me.


About Me:

My job is in the ICT, i’m also active in the management of a local fishing club with 1300 members. Other interests are movies, dance events and chilling with friends Age: build in the year 1983

Age: 40

Location: South-holland, Netherlands


Fishing Style:

My preferred style of fishing is instant carp fishing, freshwater, little ponds, canals etc. searching, fishing and after all catching. Across bridges, fallen trees, in the arm of a river, or venturing out on a rubberboat,


Favourite Fishing Spots:

Some old forgotten fishing spots of the early nineties. Small farmers ditches. Fishing in France waters.


Fishing Achievements:

Over the years, i’ve done a lot of local carp competitions by summer and winter. Several times won a competition.


Memorable Catches:

1. Public dutch forty pounder+ 2. Old 35 pounder mirror catched by method feeder system 3. Fully scaled mirror


Fishing Philosophy:

For me, it’s a way of life. Early in the morning by wake up there where made new plans for the next fishing session. Where…. How…. with wich gear….alone or with a friend….


Favourite Gear:

It’s looking great, it has quality. Easy to stand up, and can handle a beating. My favorites are new innovating stuff. Gear what i can trust.


Fishing Tips:

Every day is a learning day. I enjoy sharing tips 1. Keep have faith in what your doing, without trust it won’t work 2. To search is to find 3. Keep enjoying your hobby, if it becomes a matter of having to the enjoyment is gone


Community Engagement:

I am an active member of the angling community, both online and offline. I participate in forums, contribute to fishing blogs, and engage with other anglers through social media platforms. Sharing stories, learning from others, and being a part of this vibrant community fuels my passion for fishing. https://www.facebook.com/Timmie1983 https://instagram.com/carpfishingtim?igshid=MzNlNGNkZWQ4Mg== tiktok.com/@carpfishingtim


Favourite Quote:

“You don’t catch them on the couch”

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