Rob Gainer

Rob Gainer


Name: Rob Gainer

Username: Stockie King

Introduction: Hi all, my name is Rob Gainer and I’ve been fishing for roughly 20 years. I first started out as most of us do on a seat box with a whip catching roach and perch, however my interests quickly changed to carp fishing which has seen me solely target carp for the last 15 years. As well as fishing I am very fond of photography whether that be scenic shots, wildlife or just general product shots related to fishing.

About Me:

Age: 30

Location: Hull, East Yorkshire

Fishing Style: My fishing style revolves around short, in and out sessions between work. I very rarely get a weekend or a 48hr session due to other sporting commitments and therefore I have to make the most of my time by doing mid-week work overnighters when possible. This has its benefits as the lakes are usually quieter during the week and also having less time available, it means I put more effort into my own fishing to maximise my time. I tend to fish snaggy, intimate, weedy waters were everything is close quarters, hit and hold fishing.

Favourite Fishing Spots: I have fished numerous places around the world including Ghillams Thailand, public and private waters in France, syndicates and day tickets all over England, however my favourite venues for a number of different reasons has to be Stickney Brick Pit in Lincolnshire and also Farlows Lake 1. Both completely different in their own rights but there is something about both of these lakes keeps drawing me back whether that be the stock of the fish, the scenery and surroundings or a mixture of both I’m unsure but I still have plenty of targets in each.

Fishing Achievements: Personally I haven’t done much competitive angling and don’t have many achievements with regards to trophies, and being from up north I’m also not fishing for massive fish compared to some peoples standards but a couple of my own personal stand out goals that I’ve achieved over the years would be a 280lb arapaima from Ghillams in Thailand, a 120lb sturgeon from Brittany Mill Lake in France and lastly my first every UK 30lb carp from Hull and Districts historic Motorway Pond.

Memorable Catches:

1. My first UK 30lb carp. This came from the historic HDAA Motorway Pond, East Yorkshire. A lake renowned for being a difficult water at the best of times I had an unforgettable birthday session one weekend landing 6 fish including three named fish and breaking my PB twice with a fish known as “Shoulders” at 29lb 10oz quickly followed by the best fish in the lake known as “Single Scale” at 31lb 8oz!

2. My first UK 30lb+ common carp. A social session and my first trip to Stickney Brick Pit in Lincolnshire, with very unfavourable conditions and coming last out in the draw it wasn’t an easy session and after a move on the 2nd day I managed the only fish of the whole trip between 6 of us and it turned out to be one of the A team known as “The Perfect Common” at 30lb 8oz and my first UK 30lb+ common.

3. A hectic session in France at Bounty Lakes. After having our annual French trip cancelled two years in a row due to Covid, 3rd time lucky we managed to get out to Bounty Lakes and what a trip it turned out to be! Hits of fish are known at this lake and a week of 30 fish is common, however I wasn’t

expecting to finish the week on 84 fish including a new French PB of 42lb 14oz and numerous back up 30lb+ fish. This isn’t a trip ill be forgetting anytime soon!

Fishing Philosophy: For me I don’t go chasing big fish. These days people only want 30lb or 40lb fish and being from up north this isn’t feasible without having to travel. My fishing revolves around getting bites. Having limited time on the bank I don’t have time to bait and wait. I would never fill it in and leave my rods out in search of one fish doing multiple fishless nights is not my style, I’m much happier fishing for bites, and I’m really not fussed about the size. How they look is much more important to me and as long as I’m catching and making the most of my time that’s the most important thing for me.

Favourite Gear: I’ve always believed having the best end tackle and hardware for the job will land you much more fish. With this in mind, you will not get a better rod than the Wolf rods. I have a set of the 12ft x3ks and a set of the 10ft x1ks which are by far the best rods I have ever used. Also, having used the Icon Qi alarms for the last couple years with the built in vibration technology along with the roller this suits my style of angling as I mostly fish locked up to snags utilising the vibration technology but also have the option to fish big open waters with a loose clutch and bring into play the roller on the Qi alarm.

Fishing Tips:

I enjoy sharing my knowledge and experiences with fellow anglers. Here are some of my top fishing tips for beginners and seasoned anglers alike:

1. Listen to other anglers/bailiffs advice but don’t also use it as gospel. Fish how you feel most confident. Don’t turn up to a lake and completely change your approach because someone said they only get caught using solid bags with a 12mm yellow wafter. Stick to what you know as it will most probably work on every water you fish.

2. The biggest edge in my own fishing is pre-baiting. If this is an option in your own fishing, I would highly recommend it. For myself, having only short periods of time on the bank I like to try and get down 2 or 3 times a week in between my sessions and keep the spots topped up with bait so when I arrive to fish, the spots are already rocking, and fish have fed on them. This gives me much more confidence and has seen my catch rates increase dramatically on every water I’ve fished .

3. Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you are struggling. Other anglers will have been in your situation at some point in their lives and instead of struggling on your own, reach out to someone on your lake that is doing well, ask them for some tips or advice, ask the bailiff, ask someone online. There will always be someone willing to give advice and help you out.

Community Engagement: I am very active on most social media platforms. My favourite platform is Tiktok which has seen me be able to show off my own angling in a much more in-depth way. I also like to think I help anglers out using this account showing off my tips and tricks and answering people’s questions daily. I post all of my own personal captures on my Instagram account also.

Tiktok – Robgainer9

Instagram – Robgainer9

Facebook – Rob Gainer

Favourite Quote:

“A bad day fishing is better than a good day at work”

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